MATLAB Tutorials class 5: MATLAB inbuild command repmat,repelem,cat,horzcat, and vertcat
MATLAB Tutorials class 5: MATLAB inbuild command repmat,repelem, cat,horzcat, and vertcat We discussed MATLAB inbuild command diag,det, and trace in my previous post . We're going to see repmat, repelem, cat,horzcat, and vertcat MATLAB commands and their functions in this post. repmat repmat command used to repeat the copies of the array. Syntax is repmat_value=repmat(array,no) How to create a matrix in which all elements should be the same in MATLAB? >> repmat_value=repmat(10,4) repmat_value = 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 >> repmat_value=repmat(10,4,3) repmat_value = 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...